Chiang Mai is a city filled with many Buddhist temples...
numerous fresh fruit and vegetable markets...
Durians are fruits found in Thailand. You see them in the market, but they have been banned from our building because of their strong odor. |
and Night Markets.
There are a few parks providing some much needed green space. To get to the park we have to cross the river using a bridge such as the one seen below.
The park we go to is located close to our yoga studio. It is small and used mostly for people who come to walk or jog on the paths that surround the ponds. There is also a coffee cafe that serves delicious carrot cake.
Chiang Mai also has its fair share of artist communities that offer hand made clothing, jewelry, pottery, and textiles. They also have some lovely cafe's. The next six pictures were taken at Baan Kang Wat, which is located on the outskirts of the city.
A lovely coffee cafe and restaurant |
Beautiful handmade jewelry |
The rest of the pictures were taken at another artist community found right outside the old town near the river.
A wooden house typically found in Thailand before the use of cement. |
Food is often attractively presented at the cafe and restaurants.
We have continued our practice of going to yoga class here in Chiang Mai. This time our teacher is from the states. Ester is 70 years old...and has lived in Thailand for the last 25 years. She is a self described old hippi who lived in Telluride, CO before moving to here.
To get around town all you need to do is flag down one of these red trucks called Songtaews. In the back are two long benches where you can sit. You often share the ride with others, but unlike a bus...they will take you to your exact location. The cost is cheap...about 1 American get anywhere within the city. We use them almost every day.
Inside the Songtaews |
At the end of this post, I have included a picture of the shadow puppet show we went to in Siem Reap before leaving for Thailand. It was an interesting show that was a play with actors that included the use shadow puppets. Here you are seeing the actors demonstrate how they are used. Normally the puppeteers would be on the other side of the screen and you would not see them.